
Good News

You've done such a great job with the lobbying and promotion. I can’t thank you enough. As a Soho girl that has totally suffered from extreme loneliness, the happiness I’m experiencing now with outdoor life and good vibes is healing me fast and proper <3
As a business in Soho the scheme has given us a life line. 

– Maria, Arts Club Soho

It is going to save my business 

– Hemin, Maoz

Save Soho festival has radically meant that there’s light where there was darkness before.

Furthermore, has brought a very positive development to the way the general public perceives the value of dining out in W1 and Soho as a whole.

I have always thought of Soho hospitality operators as a bunch of warriors, exceeding on a regular basis, to achieve a healthy level of competition earning the love and business of customers surrounded by very capable and highly creative operators.

Covid 19 stripped us all off our tools to accomplish this.

All the parts involved in the Save Soho Festival have given us back the sword and the shield we need to carry on fighting another battle in the war that it is succeeding in the hospitality industry in Soho. - Ruben – Lobos

The provision of an outdoor space for al fresco dining at Kiln on Brewer st has allowed us to reopen safely and has thus saved many jobs - al fresco dining has saved jobs and helped to save Soho. Brian - Kiln

London as a whole has a 63 percent drop In footfall in central London compared to last year overall

Lobos trading at 50% vs last year, 15 jobs saved so far – Ruben


Without the Save Our Soho festival our beloved Soho would be a ghost town. It has breathed life into the area and into the economy and re defined what is possible when a group of independent businesses with a little help and guidance can achieve. It has saved thousands of jobs and set down a template for the future of Soho. Mark – Sanctum Hotel


Echoing what everyone else is saying it’s saved a lot of people’s jobs and given them an opportunity to earn a living again. I had people on furlough that we’ve called back in because the trading is going well because if the scheme. These people are now earning full salary because of it and having a better life. Kieran Crosby - Ballans

We are 30% down but 90% of the revenue is coming from the tables and chairs outside so I’ll let you guess what it would be without them, so far 16 jobs saved – Cheviche

Koya is at about 60% and it would impossible without table and chairs on the street or the Eat Out scheme. No staff loss; – John


SOLA is 53% of pre Covid but our outside tables and chairs represent about 40% of that revenue (12 Jobs) – SOLA

40 Dean is 55% pre-Covid19 . Outside area necessary as all the booking has been for outside. 10 jobs have been saved.

Turnover down 60% from pre COVID ; So far no staff losses - The Arts Theatre Club

Simmons is currently between 5-10% down with no job losses, were actually hiring at the minute. - Nick


No job losses at QuoVadis & Barrafina. – Luca

Randall and Aubin 50% off. We are trying to hold on to all our staff. It feels fragile but the Al Fresco definitely helps to bring people into Soho and is enjoyed by them.

Viva Soho! - Jamie

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